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Traveling With Children.

Touring the world with children can be extremely rewarding, but it can also bring its own challenges. We will will work closely with you to design the right trip for your family’s requirements, but there are some aspects of travel that you should also consider.


Entry requirements and parental consent

The US does not have exit controls or require two-parent consent for a minor to leave the country. However you should be aware that while the US does not have exit controls, many other countries do have specific entry requirements regarding children. There are often additional requirements if the child is with only one parent or neither parent. You should check the Entry, Exit and Visa Requirements section of the US State Department country information for each country you’ll be visiting. You should do this well in advance of travel as in some cases it may be necessary to travel with documents such as the child’s full, unabridged birth certificate and evidence of parental and legal consent to take the child outside of his/her home country.


Hotel safety

Health and safety standards and building regulations vary widely overseas. In many countries there may be no regulations around the height and design of balcony balustrades, swimming pools and public areas.

We’ll always try to accommodate family appropriate accommodations, but this may not always be possible for a variety of reasons, so please don’t assume everything is child-friendly.

You should supervise your children at all times while moving around a hotel, as walkways, staircases and railings may have large gaps, be very low, or simply have features that make them attractive, but unsafe, to toddlers and children.

Balcony doors should be kept locked when not in use, and please ensure that furniture isn’t pushed up against the railings which would encourage children to climb them.


Car seats

If you’re hiring a car overseas through one of the major rental companies, it’s usually possible to book a car seat in advance (often to be paid for on arrival).

Where private transportation, suitable car seats and booster seats may not be available. Even if they are available, they still might not meet US quality standards. For this reason, you may prefer to travel with your child’s own car seat. Most international airlines allow a car seat and a stroller to be taken as checked-in luggage for no additional charge.


Air travel

With so many airline options is is always good to consult your travel provider with any needs or concerns you may have.  Some airlines offer an array of amenities to choose from while others may offer a cheaper flight and less amenities.  It is always good to work with a qualified travel agent to help you sort through this web of information. 

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